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The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at our university was established in 2018 with one of the faculty members being in charge of the cell as Director/Deputy Director. The IQAC committee has been constituted as mandated by the UGC. An internal education quality policy has been created to ascertain the quality of teaching and learning processes regularly. The IQAC contributes significantly towards institutionalizing quality assurance.

A working internal education quality document mainly based on the parameters defined by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) has been created to regularly monitor the satisfactory compliance of teaching-learning processes by each school. The Deans review the document occasionally to ensure the quality of education being imparted.

The two significant contributions are a digital transformation and feedback mechanisms for teaching effectiveness.

Digital Transformation

This initiative aims to digitize and promote E-Governance within the University, thereby boosting administrative and academic efficiency with reliable, secure and easy-to-use enterprise platforms seamlessly integrating with academic and administrative procedures. Adopting IT-related changes enabled the University to get better equipped with technology development and data maintenance.

Implementing an ERP system (Maitri, Juno Campus) has enabled the University to deliver academic and administrative requirements effectively. Modules like Students Life Cycle Management (SLCM), Financial Aspects, Mess Management (Student’s dining), Human Resource Management (HRM), Learning Resources (Library), Payroll, etc., are integrated into this platform. Implementing the ERP system helped us eliminate unnecessary paperwork, reviews, approvals, and duplication of efforts. The Students’ Academic Information System (SAIS) helped us simplify the information retrieval process, enabling better accessibility to data so that various offices can focus more on analysis rather than transactional issues. This feature also assists the University authorities in being better informed, speeding up the decision-making process, maintaining an end-to-end feedback system, and improving resource utilization.

BMU also implemented a local social network enterprise within the University (CollPoll, Butterfly Innovations). It provided information and kept updating students and faculty members on upcoming events, conferences, seminars, etc., thus improving student engagement. Provisions for electronic approvals like shuttle booking, booking library student rooms, gate pass approvals, no dues, complaints, migration certificates, requests to change mess etc., are sought through this platform. The CollPoll platform helped the student community and the university administration meet the daily operational requirements easily and efficiently.

Quality Initiatives in Teaching Effectiveness and Feedback Mechanisms

Under the guidance of IQAC, the university has created the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Development (CTLD) to conduct various training programs for faculty members. The primary objective of the centre is to equip the faculty members to acquire the required skill sets for discharging their duties effectively as well as to improve their quality of teaching, research, and administration. The centre also supports the career growth of faculty members and promotes the overall academic development of the University. The CTLD conducts workshops, seminars, and academic reflections and invites senior academicians to share their experiences regularly to facilitate learning, knowledge creation and making future leaders.

CTLD and IQAC revamped the course feedback mechanism to ensure teaching effectiveness and laid out a well-defined policy. The process now ensures that course-related feedback is much more self-reflective from the faculty perspective and not just dependent on end-semester student feedback. Therefore, the policy ensures that the faculty receives feedback from peers before the semester, qualitative and quantitative feedback directly from the students through open houses and the program office during the semester and finally, an end-semester quantitative rating followed by the faculty’s subjective reflection at the end of the semester.


Our vision is to be an exemplary Institution that thrives from its commitment to the transformative power of value based education, endowed with technological and pedagogical initiatives, with a special emphasis on health and well-being, that provide the impetus for goal-oriented research for societal benefit and a motivated educational journey, towards a harmonious, prosperous and sustainable future.


Our mission is based on the foundation of three primary principles:

Education for Life

There are two types of education: education for living and education for life. Studying to become a professional is education for a living. On the other hand, education for life requires an understanding of the essential human values. At BMU, we believe that education should also impart a culture of the heart, based on enduring values and inner strength.

Compassion Driven Research

Our motivation to pursue research originated from seeing the suffering around us – poverty, starvation, sickness, environmental pollution and contamination. We believe that if we could transform compassion from a mere word into a path of action, we would be able to solve most of the world’s problems. If we take this step courageously, then our research and its outcomes will have a special beauty, spontaneity, and power. At BMU, we strongly believe that the culmination of all research should be societal benefit.

Global Impact

At BMU, we stand united in our mission towards solving globally recognized scientific and societal challenges, including environment, development, and health. BMU stands at the strategic juncture of two streams of cultures: East and West. Our vision is to unite the two to bridge the divide through meaningful collaborations with world-class universities and innovative approaches that will benefit the entire planet.


BMU’s culture of education equips students to be rooted in the values of Dharma (righteousness), Karuna (compassion) and Shraddha (mindfulness). Endowed with qualities of acceptance, patience, self-confidence, perseverance and enthusiasm, the benefit of humanity will become uppermost in their thought, word and action. They will then pioneer innovative solutions for the benefit of all humankind, leading to sustainable health and prosperity for all. This resonates with the ancient Sanskrit prayer ‘Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu’. It is a reminder of our deeper connection to the entire world around us, “May our work contribute to the happiness of all beings.”