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Admissions for Academic Session 2023-24 are on. Apply NowAdmissions for Academic Session 2023-24 are on. Apply Now


At BMU, we understand that the only way to ensure relevance for our graduating students is to create a sustainable industry-academia partnership. This partnership will bridge the requirement-skill gap, exposing the faculty and students to the latest trends and practices in the industry and boosting student employability.

Our existing alliances with industry behemoths, including Siemens, IBM, and KPMG, have helped us set up on-campus labs and co-deliver programs at partner locations. These alliances benefit students and the industry by ensuring that students graduate with an in-depth understanding of working in a global organisation and that employers get candidates requiring minimal training.
BMU also works closely with the industry during the curriculum design, learning tool acquisition, and educational technology development phase, ensuring application-oriented education and structured learning opportunities at partner industry locations. Students also benefit from learning more about the latest industry trends through on-campus technology-specific guest seminars, workshops, and lectures by industry experts.

BMU students take advantage of site visits to industry locations and Practice School courses throughout the programme. The Practice School is jointly supervised by a faculty member and an industry mentor, helping students benefit from such interactions and internships. The Practice School internship is a course credit for the student’s cumulative GPA. Additionally, BMU recruits its world-class faculty in consultation with industry experts and ensures their continuous training and development to keep them up-to-date with the latest industry trends.

Centres of Excellence

BMU’s industry partners will also establish Centres of Excellence on campus to create an empowering teaching-learning environment for students and faculty alike. The critical components of this empowering ecosystem include the latest technology platforms, real-life projects, collaborative learning experiences, teamwork, hands-on learning, and leadership development. Siemens PLM Software is setting up the first such centre at the BMU Campus.

Additionally, BMU students benefit immensely from the IBM Business Analytics Lab set up by IBM. The lab uses IBM’s world-class Analytics software to help BMU train next-generation business leaders who can innovate using Predictive Analytics, Descriptive Analytics, and Big Data Analytics.